Wednesday 17 June 2020

we were creating bio poems to tell a story about ourselves. it was challenging because we had to come up with different ideas for each line. it was fun to go back and read our finish poem 


  1. Kia Ora Evonne I am Olivia from Yaldhurst Model School
    This blog is really cool the post title is catching people into this blog post which is really good but I think next time that you could add more writting in the top of the blog that would tell us about the blog so that it draws us in more and gets us to know what your poem holds
    Why is some writting in red?
    Kind regards Olivia

  2. Hi Evonne! My name is Hana and I'm a year 6 from Yaldhurst Model School!

    Wow Evonne! Cool Bio poem! I like the background, the little details sometimes make a huge difference! :D

    This takes me way back to my very first blog post! I think that I was a year 3 or 4 at the time. I had to write all about myself. My favourite colour, my favourite food, my name, age, etc.

    To improve your blog post, you could perhaps Make your introduction more exciting, and happy so people will be even more attracted to your blog post! They might even come back for more blog posts! Because I feel happy if the thing that I'm reading is happy. -_-

    Keep up the great work Evonne!

    - Hana :P

  3. Hey Evonne, It´s me Lucy from YMS, in Rimu. I am a year 6.

    Wow this is AWESOME Evonne! I like how you added all those details.

    I remember my first blog it was so funny, I write this, I love hot chips from Mcdonalds. I had to write it about myself. I was 7 then and now I am 10 so it is like completly diffrent to what I like now. :)

    Improvements: I think next time you could re-read the whole blog to check for capital letters and fullstops and grammer. Also it would be good to have a title so I get a hint on what the blog post it about.

    Fantastic Job Evonne :D

    Kind Regards
    From Lucy

  4. thank you Lucy i really appreciate your comment
